Supply Chain

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Incorporating sustainability within everything we do

Working together, Groupwide. Worldwide.

Our pathway toward more sustainable operations means we must incorporate better practices throughout everything we do, it also means that we must continue to improve upon the progress we’ve already made and not remain complacent. Computacenter is committed to integrating sustainability into the core of its business activities, a step necessary to secure the future of our people, planet, and industry. This action is not taken as a single gesture; it will come from the collective engagement of the entire business, covering all areas of Computacenter’s sustainability strategy. From removing single-use plastics in our offices to generating our own electricity, engaging people with our active inclusion policies to increasing our share of electric vehicles, every action we take, no matter how small, helps us become a better company, supplier, and corporate citizen.

Selection & Onboarding

Selection and Onboarding is managed by our dedicated Supplier Contract Management team. We use self-assessment processes to gain a thorough understanding of any prospective supplier, and ensure they understand and agree to our key policies such as Business Ethics, IT Security, and Anti-Bribery and Corruption.

Supplier Management

Our Supplier Contract Management team works with our supply chain to share information, assess performance, communicate change and identify areas for improvement. Ongoing management helps to keep our respective teams aligned to common goals, and provides a platform for sharing information that’s important to our business and our customers.

Monitoring & transparency

We monitor our supply chain to ensure it remains robust and resilient, and to track improvements in line with our sustainability objectives. Transparency is vital, so we make it as easy as possible for our supply chain members to share issues with us – including publishing our Whistleblowing hotline to our suppliers to enable reporting of any suspected human-rights issues.

Exception occured while executing the controller. Check error logs for details.

We work with our supply chain to make improvements aligned to our sustainability goals. Whether it’s encouraging the removal of single-use plastics from product packaging, encouraging e-invoicing, or working with logistics partners to maximise the use of low emissions vehicles, we work in partnership with our suppliers to continually improve our sustainable supply chain.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the ten The Code of Conduct sets out the ten principles in the UNGC, which include human rights, modern slavery, anti-bribery and corruption, and environmental matters. It provides a common basis for our ethical and sustainable approach to doing business and helps to ensure that we select and nurture the right supply chain partners. 

Computacenter’s complex and diverse supply chain has thousands of suppliers around the world. Throughout this commercial network, Computacenter is vigilant and proactive about conducting business with companies that share our values and respect the sovereignty of individuals. Our people policies, such as Modern Slavery, relate to not only the people within our company, but also those that work around us; from contractors who attend our sites to people from the manufacturing sectors of our supply chain. Our people policies are defined by the ethics by which our company operates.

Exception occured while executing the controller. Check error logs for details.

Further reading

Net Zero

Net Zero Strategy in action. See how Computacenter is achieving its commitment to Net Zero through direct action and Groupwide policies.
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Centred around customers, building solutions for tomorrow. Learn more about Computacenter's history, values, and people.
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What we do

Computacenter's end-to-end offering.
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Circular Services

Lifecycle management building environmental and economic value.
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